Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Spring was in the air yesterday. It was 80 degrees. Unbelievable!! Today is more like normal, around 45 with clouds. May even snow a bit tomorrow, but hey, spring can't be to far away.

This is a paper cut block I did last fall. Its done by folding tracing paper, like we did when we cut paper snowflakes. Then transfered the design to fusible web, cutting out, fusing to fabric and stitched around with tiny zig zag stitches. Fun technique to do and who knows, maybe someday will actually get something done with the block. Mostly just tried the technique.


Elaine Adair said...

Hey, I have that project 'somewhere' in my stuff - UFO ... well not even started yet. Don't remember why. Di you have any problems with this technique?

I heard you may be coming out our way as a teacher? Hope so.

COLD here today also. Oh well, green things are showing in my garden!

Jo said...

Hi, I have somewhere around 100 of these type designs in my files. I love doing this kind of stuff. Only wish I had time and energy enough to make each one I design.
Yes, I think I'm scheduled for next May (08) There were some dates open during the winter, but I don't like being committed to that far to travel when the roads could very easily be bad. Guess I am chicken in my old age--grin.
Was nice here today with strong south wind. Sky looks funny though, dirty. It looks like some topsoil has been moving north all day.