Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Surprise its cooler today.   Cloudy but oh my how humid.    Mosquito's are loving it!!  Walk outdoors and they try to save a person for lunch.   
The first quilt is my P.I.G.S. project.   Our club has a challenge each year.   Take a project that you have started and have in a box or bag.    Show it and present a fat quarter to enter.   Then complete the project before the next July meeting and get a chance to win the fat quarters.   BUT  if you do not complete the project you are fined 3 fat quarters.     This year I was the lucky person and won 20 fat quarters.    Oh what fun.     Usually I would be donating 3 fat quarters.  grin.   
    The second quilt is a butterfly I painted in a class in Des Moinse  a couple years ago.   It was last
years P.I.G.S. project.   Cost me 3 fat quarters as I didn't finish it on time.    Oh well.    
    Hope to keep up with the blog a bit more this year.   Have quite a few pieces to share and miss
showing them.   

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