Monday, August 06, 2007

poor neglected blog!!!

Ah finally I am back. This summer has been the pits. Its so humid it just drains a person to even go outdoors. SO I did manage to get these two wall pieces finished. I just took a printed scene and added the 1/2" black cross sections to make it look like I am looking out a window and seeing wildlife. I think they turned out kind of neat.

Have some other things in progress, but the heat has really sapped my energy.

Went across the street to the auction on Saturday. Ended up buying Aggies car. Its a low mileage Oldsmobile that we know was taken care of, so bought it. Will sell the old Chrysler. Its still a good car even though it is pretty old. Starts and runs like a top and has a heater that will drive you out of the car.

House sold also, to a local young family, so will have good neighbors. Its always a gamble when they auction a home.
State convention was last week, so spent from Wed. through Sunday in Omaha. Had the CQC quilt show this past weekend, got state fair entries sent in and next big event will be the Ricky Tims seminar in Omaha on the 17th. Then state fair. So will be busy until end of the month. Will white glove at the state fair on the 30th, should be fun.

Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I like that! Good to see you back. On a side note, I didn't get into the dentist...too many school kids in there this time of year. Anyway...TTYL