Saturday, June 16, 2007

Something accomplished again

Finally something accomplished. I got the idea for these silhouettes from a Dover book I purchased at the IMQA quilt show in Kansas.

If anyone doesn't know about Dover books, they are copyright free books that you can purchase for use in crafts and arts projects. Some have a maximum of the designs you can use free in one project or publication. so read the notice in front page of each book, as the number varies from book to book.

I'm thinking of working up a class to offer at next years state convention. Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated on this.

The silhouette is cut from Kona cotton that has fusible web (the pattern is drawn on the paper side of the web) pressed to it. Then cut, peeled and fused to background, then a layer of black toule (spelling?) is put over the top, the piping sewn on and border added. If any of the cut areas on the design fray a bit, use fray check on a toothpick and smooth the cut area.

I may use this as my auction piece instead of the flowers I did earlier. I think I like this better.

Light color batiks make wonderful backgrounds. Next I want to try them on some hand dyes. Have a feeling this could become addicting.

1 comment:

Elaine Adair said...

Wow - these are beautiful. This AM, on Sunday Morning, they were featuring Silouette (sp?) artists and your projects look similar. I'll bet you own a very sharp pair of scissors!