Monday, May 04, 2009

top done

Yea, the top is done. I used a cut and slice 9 patch block to start this. I stacked 12" squares. Cut the squares into 3 equal divisions. (4") in both directions. (9 squares) then using alternating squares formed 2- 9 patch blocks, one with lights for 5 squares and one with dark for 5 squares, opposite 4 dark squares with the lights and 4 light squares with the dark. Sewed the 9 patches together. Then cut to the right and the left of the center square at 2". (full length of the block) moved those strips aside then cut 2" from the center square to the top and bottom, next mixed up the pieces and re-assembled blocks by sewing to top and bottom first then to sides. Next squared blocks up. for this one added a 1 and 1/2" strip between blocks. try this its like eating "chocolate". Have a great day. sun is shining and I need to go out and plant tomato plants. Lovely fresh BLT's in a couple months.

1 comment:

QuiltSue said...

Wow, that's great. Something else for the "must do" list!