Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to one and all. Here is "Stinker" sharing my Valentine quilt top. This is the wall quilt, there will eventually be a full size quilt to match. Was fun going through all the red scrap to make the hearts.
We have about 8" of new snow yesterday. The cardinals look really "red" against the snow, so I guess thats natures valentine gift to us. OK at least its RED!!
Hope everyone has a great day.


Unknown said...

What a lovely quilt! Stinker is pretty cute, too. Happy Valentine's Day! :)

LADY JANE said...

Stinker is Purrrfect on your quilt! I came from Lesleys land o blog home...happy Vday to you!

Altered Route said...

cute li' stinker!

Happy Valentines Day!!


Julie said...

I love STINKER!!! He looks adorable posing with the heart quilt! Have a great Valentines Day! Blessings...Julie

Sharon House said...

Lovely quilt! I wish I had the patience to do something like this...

Happy Hearts Day to you too...


Jennifer said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Lovely quilt!

Susie Jefferson said...

I love the way Stinker is sitting right in the middle - all the hearts pointing his way! Happy Valentine's Day to you and Himself.

Eileen said...

Beautiful quilt - and the critter is not so bad either!

Happy Valentine's Day!!


Anonymous said...

Lovely Quilt and Adorable Kitty! Hope you enjoy the Blog Party...

♥ ~ HAPPY ~ ♥
♥ ~ DAY! ~ ♥


Artifice said...

Your Heart Quilt is gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day! Linda

Elaine Adair said...

I wish a Cat Whisperer would show up and tell us all why our pets just HAVE to sit in the middle of whatever we're working on. This quilt is tooooo cute! 8-))

Two inches of snow here - not bad at all.

Stephani Gorman said...

Happy Valentine's Day! What a beautiful quilt! :)Stephani

rebecca christiansen said...

Jo, love the quilt and little Stinker too!

You have a wonderful blog - I bookmarked it for future visits!

Please, come on over and leave a comment for my giveaway drawings!

Have a great Valentines Day!
Lots of Love your way!

rebecca ~ justgiddy

Lesley said...

Love this quilt and love that soft, beautiful kitty!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art!

Happy Valentine's Day!
