Saturday, September 01, 2007

another week gone by

Another week gone. Went to a class on Tuesday for the fabric bowls. Wrap a bias strip around a cord and then sew into a bowl. I didn't get to far, but did learn the technique, so that is a plus. Thursday went to state fair all day. White gloved the show from 2 - 6, then went out and found something to eat. Peach on a stick---Actually was good. A peach is skewered with a wooden skewer, then rolled in a batter and deep fried. Cinnamon and sugar or powder sugar or both sprinkled on when done. It was sort of like peach cobbler. Then went and looked through some of the booths. Even passed up the cookbooks from the Morris Press Booth. $1, $2, $3, and$4, which really is a bargain, but didn't buy any.
Got home around 11 so was tired on Friday. Today is first Nebraska football game. It's on but I am doing laundry. Will watch the last 5 minutes and watch the clips this evening. that way see the whole game in a few minutes.
Hope to have something to post soon. Haven't had time to sew. Its actually been cool and less humid, so should get some energy back soon.

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