Saturday, December 30, 2006


Nearly the end of December and we have nearly 2" of rain so far. more moving in shortly. Goodness it would have been 20+ inches if it had come as snow.

This is a small quilt of painted poppies, then thread painting was done over the top of the paint to enhance the flowers. Had a lot of fun doing this, it was inspired by a greeting card.

Have been cutting squares from scrap fabric. 38+ years of scrap fabric---about time I did something with it-right?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Try # 2

Will try again---Yea it worked. here is the Peek of Pink entry. May have figured it all out now, just missed clicking one box last night. enjoy

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


picture didn't load--will try again tomorrow when I can think--


Whew made it through another Christmas, now to make it through the New Year changeovers, well probably won't stay up to watch it come in, so had best "sew".

Will try to remember how to put a picture up on here. My 06 Hoffman Challenge piece, A Peek of Pink. It didn't get selected to travel this year, my 04 and 05 pieces did travel.

Monday, December 25, 2006

I did it!!! Yea!!

Finally figured out how to get the picture to load, so now I can share some more.
This is the full picture of the CQC 07 raffle quilt and a closeup of the stitching.

Through the Garden Gate

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, do not know how it got to be Christmas so fast, but its here again. Will have company later in the day, but all in all will be a quiet time for us. Rick will be over after he gets up. Works 6pm to 6am, so sleeps during the day.

Will cut some more scrap fabrics into strips and squares until company comes. Have another quilt that needs quilting too, so may start that this evening. Its pieced and basted and ready to quilt.

Have a grand day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Its done

Whew its done, finished the quilting on the fund raiser quilt in time for its debute on the 12th. Will I ever volunteer to do this again? probably, but not for a while.

Finished a challenge quilt also. Just had to add binding to it. Also completed the top to another challenge quilt due next August. I'm ahead of the game for once. Now to just keep this going all year. Maybe 2007 will mean I finish lots of P.I.G.S (projects in grocery sacks) I can hope.

Still haven't figured out how to post pictures, maybe soon.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Another day

Another day of working on the quilt. Am down to the last feather sprays on the border and then will have the last stippling on the outer border and it will be ready to bind. Should have it done for next Tuesday deadline. Will be happy its done.

Had a bit of complication with a Ganglion Cyst popping up on my left wrist. Makes it painful to type, can quilt as I don't use the wrist action much for that, but sure hurts to type. Or keyboard as its known today.

Getting cold and supposed to be 0 degrees in the morning. At least no snow so thats a blessing.

back to the quilt.